; - - - - - - - - - ; >> H I S T O R Y << ; Version Data Dizzy ; ------- ---- ----- ; 1.01 24-4-96 Added the new DeltaNUllskip with compare buffer routine ; (512k) single pixel width 256 colours ; 1.02 25-4-96 Added pixelwidth1 1Meg & 1.5meg DeltaNUllskip. ; 1.03 25-4-96 Added pixelwidth2&4 512k/1Meg DeltaNUllskip ; 1.04 26-4-96 Added 6bit pixelwidth1 512k/1Meg & 1.5meg DeltaNUllskip ; Added 6bit PW2 & pw4 delta nullskip. ; Added All the 4bit versions of DeltaNullSkip